gsi-general softwareinc company

Cloud & DevOps / SRE

Our AWS-certified and Microsoft-certified developers leverage automation and facilitate continuous integration for seamless cloud adoption. We blend Cloud and DevOps technologies to optimize every step of the product delivery life cycle. This approach reduces delivery, potentiates quicker failure recovery, and facilitates better customer service.

Our Cloud Partners and Certifications

Professional Partners
Standard Partners
VMware Instructor Certification
LPI Essentials Certification
AWS Certification - AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification

Our Cloud Expertise

Our Business Partners

Our Areas of Expertise

Cloud Migration

We assist you in the seamless migration of on-premise servers and data centers to more secure cloud-based environments.ns on data protection and privacy, Cyber and Infrastructure Security and Security Assurance.

Cloud-Native Design, Integration and Deployment

Harness the power of the cloud and build applications faster, backed up by our team expertise in cloud and automation tools that help you reduce costs and boost the operational efficiency of your company.

DevOps Management

We help you manage the health of your continuous delivery pipeline. We handle version management, continuous deployment, replication environment, new server configurations, change management, and performance optimization on an ongoing basis.

IT Infrastructure & Operation Management

We offer design solutions for mixed environments to maximize performance monitoring across servers, networks, and applications, including IT automation, incident troubleshooting, root cause analysis and prevention, security auditing and patching, and development infrastructure setup.


Our experts use security best practices to protect your critical infrastructure and applications from cyber-attacks, including vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, load and stress testing, security code review, cloud security, web app security, and network protection. We also help build security incident response plans.

Client Testimonial

"...GSI is composed of highly technical professionals, complementing Blueliv´s Development team and helping us to accelerate our roadmap. For those reasons, GSI has become a valuable partner for Blueliv..."
Gerard Cervello
Former General Manager / COO of Blueliv


Core Services

Dedicated Development Team

Build your product with a professional and proactive team that adapts to your needs.

Software Development

Customer-centric digital solutions developed with the latest technology.

Big Data & Data Analytics

Intelligence tools to organize and analyze large volumes of data for better business decisions

Quality Assurance

We work with your team to prevent, test and fix all the possible software quality issues.

Artificial Intelligence

Let’s build AI solutions to automate your critical processes and create personalized data-driven systems which move your business forward.


Adopting blockchain in your organization will benefit your business with our scalable, cost-effective, and powerful blockchain development solutions.

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